Sacha Marie Mulligan: Inspiring the Journey to Become Your Best Self
Sacha Marie Mulligan: Inspiring the Journey to Become Your Best Self

The self-help industry has seen a surge in recent years, with people seeking guidance and inspiration to overcome life's challenges and unlock their full potential. In this ever-evolving landscape, one name stands out as a beacon of hope and positive transformation: Sacha Marie Mulligan.
Sacha is a successful author, motivational speaker, and the creator of the 'Be the Best You' program. With a background in positive psychology, she has dedicated her life to helping individuals conquer obstacles such as stress, anxiety, depression, addiction, and grief, while empowering them to embrace their true selves.
Today, we have the privilege of delving into the inspiring journey of Sacha Marie Mulligan, a woman on a mission to impact millions across the globe with her transformative message.
1. Your story is one of overcoming adversity and personal growth. Can you share a pivotal moment or turning point that sparked your journey towards self-discovery and becoming a motivational speaker?
For me, it was actually sitting one night while fuelled with alcohol and drugs that it was almost as if someone slapped me round the face and said “What the f*ck are you doing to yourself “
I was watching the TV late at night when an advert came on with Tony Robbins and I was mesmerized by him that at the end of the presentation I called and bought the tape “Yes that’s how long ago that was.“ I never told anyone as I thought they would laugh at me but it was the start of my healing journey and saw firsthand the power of affirmations. I still remember that first one. I repeated over and over “Every day in every way I’m becoming stronger and stronger .“ And I did.
I did then start on a journey of learning and self-awareness and discovering where I did a bereavement counseling course, and a life coach diploma but realized that what I liked most was positive psychology and wanted to become a practitioner as it’s a counselor, and life coach all in one. Finding the positive in your situation. I started with a small talk in my local village charging just £5 to attend and the money went towards the charity that I was running the London marathon for, children with cancer and I had 72 people attend. The feedback I received was amazing and this then Set me on my journey to motivate, inspire, and empower people so that they too can change anything in their lives.
2. You emphasize the importance of self-love and self-acceptance. What would be your advice to someone struggling with low self-esteem or negative self-talk?
Honestly, self-love and self-acceptance are the golden keys to help with having the best life and dealing with the ups and downs that pop up in everyday living.
We need to reprogram our minds because over the years all we do is focus on the negatives and horrible situations that make us think we cannot change. Well, affirmations are what work wonders here as you see when we keep telling ourselves things the brain doesn’t know if it’s true or not it just listens to your thoughts and Doesn’t know if what it’s told is true or false so you see although the mind is powerful and can drag us down if we let it we can also trick it.
So I started with and told every one of my clients to start with 3 affirmations and look in the mirror into their eyes and repeat them every day
“I am enough “
“I am worthy”
“I am loved”
These need to be repeated over and over and over and the more you say them the quicker you reprogram the mind. This is about being focused and consistent and showing the magnetic field that you mean business and you want to change.
3. In the age of social media and constant connectivity, how can individuals maintain a healthy balance and avoid feeling overwhelmed or discouraged by external influences?
Social media has its good and bad points as does everything. Social media allows me for instance to help many people across the globe because millions can find you. But everything is about balance. If you consistently do the affirmation work and other tools I share it builds your self-worth and therefore your self-confidence which makes you realise quickly that other people’s opinions are none of your business. As a positive psychology practitioner, I explain to all my clients that if anyone has nasty things to say they are only coming from their own perspective, and what they are saying is probably something they don’t like about themselves.
So I always balance the time I spend on social media and make sure I have connections with people every day, especially with family and friends in particular. I also believe that whatever anyone thinks of me is none of my business.
4. Many people struggle with procrastination or lack of discipline when it comes to achieving their goals. What practical strategies do you recommend for cultivating consistent habits and staying motivated?
The most important thing here is knowing your why. When you look at your goals you must write them out on paper and read them every single day as to WHY you want this goal so badly and become emotionally attached to it that it’s non-negotiable that it’s going to happen. Whenever I set a goal, which I do regularly I write the goal out and then sit and write out exactly why I want to achieve that goal. You see our goals are always changing and so are our whys so I constantly add to mine.
Each morning I take 15 for SACHA, I do: My gratitudes, My affirmations, My intentions, and My darling desires (as I call them) are my goals that I repeat and say out loud. These I actually have recorded on my phone and listen while I’m getting ready in the morning and also in the car to wherever I may be traveling to that day. Even on holiday, I play these while sitting on the beach looking out to sea or looking out at a beautiful view.
5. Your work encompasses various aspects, including writing, public speaking, and one-on-one coaching. How do you tailor your approach to effectively connect with and inspire individuals in different settings?
My approach is simple I am just me. I’m honest, truthful, trustworthy, compassionate, empathetic, and understanding as I have been through so much myself that I usually share my story first to gain that trust. And by being honest and truthful you inspire individuals that you can empower them to make the changes they wish to make to live the life they desire.
Admittedly I don’t take nonsense or excuses because to me it’s about trying and that there are people out there being denied their opportunity of life right this minute taking their last breath so if you want change. Nothing changes if nothing changes.
6. What role does gratitude play in your personal and professional life, and how can individuals incorporate gratitude practices into their daily routines?
Well, gratitude is the first thing I feel when my alarm goes off or I wake up, I thank god (you may say the universe or whatever you say) for another day on the beautiful planet. Another day to be me and shine my light on as many individuals as I can. I sit for at least 5 minutes being grateful for all the things I have in my life, my bed, my house, my health, my job, my husband, my children, my family, all the opportunities on their way to me, my wealth, my car, my phone, all the people I help, the list goes on. I don’t stop being grateful I drive in my car looking around pointing things out that I’m grateful for …. The blue sky, the trees, the roads, etc. You see gratitude is so important for two main things:
1. you cannot be in a negative state of mind when you are grateful for all you have and
2. why would you receive more if you’re not grateful for what you already have?
So every single day open your eyes say thank you and write at least 3 things you are grateful for. If you say you can’t then find 10 things. First and foremost I can give you one you are breathing and others are taking their last breath.
7. If you could share one fundamental principle or philosophy that has guided you throughout your journey, what would it be, and why is it so significant?
One big thing for me is that I always say no matter what I have been through or what I might be going through there’s always someone worse than me. I always now sit with emotions that I’m feeling because they are energy that is in motion, and I think it through but do not overthink too much, but I certainly do not block any emotions out because if you do they only pop up again. I ask myself what lesson I am to learn here .