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Lawrence Hicks' Wealth Mastery Intensive: A Roadmap to Financial Empowerment

August 27, 2024

Lawrence Hicks, a visionary in the world of financial literacy, has dedicated himself to empowering individuals and transforming their financial narratives. He has launched the innovative Wealth Mastery Intensive Coaching Program, aimed at expanding the boundaries of financial education by providing individuals with the tools and knowledge to navigate complex financial concepts such as credit, wealth management, and personal finance. Today, we will delve into the heart of this transformative program, exploring its philosophies, methodologies, and driving forces that have propelled it to the forefront of financial empowerment.

1. The Wealth Mastery Intensive Coaching Program is more than just a program; it's a profound lifestyle change. Can you elaborate on the core philosophies and principles that underpin this transformative experience?

Absolutely. One of the core principles of this program is cutting through the misinformation that’s out there, often spread by people who are simply echoing what they’ve heard from others. We filter all that out and offer guidance from someone who has truly lived these principles and seen them work, not just for himself, but for countless others.

A key principle we hold is honesty and directness. In today’s world, the truth can be uncomfortable, and people often shy away from it to avoid hurting feelings. But we believe in telling it like it is. For example, unless you’re pursuing a specialized skill, college can often be a waste of time and money. You can learn practical skills that help people, and earn more in less time, with a smaller investment. That’s our philosophy: learn valuable skills over traditional schooling. And at the core of this philosophy is the importance of hard work and discipline. If you’re willing to put in the effort, isolate distractions, and remain consistent with the principles we teach, success is inevitable.

2. Financial literacy is often overlooked or oversimplified, leading to misconceptions and missed opportunities. How does your program tackle this challenge, ensuring that participants gain a comprehensive understanding of the nuances involved in credit repair, wealth management, and personal finance?

Financial literacy is often misunderstood as just an equation or something that involves an advisor helping you buy insurance or invest. But to me, it’s about the daily decisions we make with our money—how we earn it, spend it, and make purchases. It’s about understanding how to make enough money without dedicating too much time to it, and knowing how to buy things the right way.

For instance, consider someone who isn’t financially literate—they might go to a car lot, let the dealer run their credit, and get stuck with multiple inquiries, a high-interest rate, and less negotiating power. In contrast, a financially literate person would have done their homework or had a mentor guide them. They would secure pre-approval from a credit union before visiting the dealership, allowing them to use that check as a cash purchase and negotiate a better price. This approach not only secures the best rate and price but also avoids the pitfalls of multiple credit inquiries.

Understanding financial literacy means you’re in control of your day-to-day expenses, you know how to budget for a car payment, and you’re aware of whether you can truly afford something. It’s about making informed decisions that set you up for financial success.

3. Wealth mastery is not just about financial gains; it's a mindset shift. How does your program address the psychological and emotional barriers that often hinder individuals from achieving financial freedom, and what tools or strategies do you provide to cultivate a wealth-centric mindset?

Mindset is absolutely crucial; it’s the foundation of everything. You can't progress without the right mindset, which is why the first module in the course focuses on this aspect.

Personally, I consider myself a thinker—I’ve been through many challenges, and what’s helped me persevere is the ability to have an honest conversation with myself and build steps to get back on track when things go awry. In the program, I emphasize the importance of simplifying your thoughts, prioritizing what truly matters, and setting clear goals.

When participants face difficulties, I encourage them to adopt a mindset that simplifies the situation, helps them focus on what’s important, and keeps their goals in sight. This mentality—of discipline, consistency, and focus—lays the groundwork for all other wealth-building principles. By sharing my experiences, I help them develop a thought process that they can rely on whenever they feel weak, ready to give up, or unable to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

4. In an age of information overload, how does your program cut through the noise and effectively communicate complex financial concepts, ensuring that participants grasp the intricacies involved and can apply the knowledge in practical, real-world scenarios?

In today’s world, there’s an overwhelming amount of misinformation, which is one of the reasons I started this program. I was seeing too many people struggling after trying to apply incorrect advice. My approach is to streamline the process, making it clear why certain methods don’t work and why others do.

I’m very straightforward—I like to simplify things so they’re easy to understand and implement. One of my mentees mentioned appreciating the straightforward and streamlined approach I take. We break down each goal into simple, actionable steps and then focus on execution. For example, we teach participants to manage their money instead of letting money manage them. We help them create a budget, become aware of their finances, and implement a percentage-based system for monthly allocations. This gives them a clear, manageable plan for success, eliminating confusion about how to build wealth or budget their money.

5. Personalized guidance and support are crucial elements of any coaching program. Can you share insights into how your program tailors its approach to individual participants, addressing their unique needs, goals, and financial situations?

Absolutely. People often need more than just information—they need someone to turn to, someone who can guide them through the application of that information. That’s where I come in.

We conduct Zoom calls and have a private Facebook group where participants can post questions anytime. If I’m unable to answer, other members might step in to help. I realized that other programs often lack this level of accessibility, so I made it a priority to be available to my participants more frequently—whether it’s through the group or one-on-one calls.

The first thing we ask when someone joins the program is, “What is your goal? What are you trying to accomplish?” Once we know that, we create a tailored roadmap to help them achieve it. Often, this starts with fixing their credit or learning how to do so, especially if they’re interested in helping others with credit repair. Our approach is personalized, ensuring that each participant has a clear path to their unique financial goals.

6. Accountability and ongoing support are vital for sustaining long-term success in financial endeavors. How does your program foster a sense of accountability among participants, and what resources or support systems are in place to ensure they remain on track throughout their transformative journey?

Accountability is key, and it’s something we prioritize in the program. Once we identify a participant’s goals, we use our twice-weekly Zoom calls to check in on their progress.

At the end of each call, participants are given homework—specific steps to complete before the next session. When we meet again, the first order of business is to review whether they’ve completed those steps and address any challenges they faced along the way. If they’ve done the work, we move on to the next steps. This process keeps them accountable and ensures they’re consistently moving toward their goals.

Moreover, we help participants stay on track by reminding them of their goals, providing the mindset and vision necessary to achieve them. Often, the biggest obstacle isn’t the task itself but the way we perceive it. By shifting their mindset, we help them overcome the mental barriers that can hinder progress, reinforcing the values of relentlessness, consistency, discipline, and prioritization.