Drunk on Confidence: Heidi Anderson's Mission to Uplift Women's Self-Esteem
Drunk on Confidence: Heidi Anderson's Mission to Uplift Women's Self-Esteem
The personal development and empowerment industry has been growing rapidly in recent years, as more and more people seek guidance and inspiration to unlock their full potential. One woman at the forefront of this movement is Heidi Anderson, a former radio host and television personality who has transformed herself into a powerful advocate for self-confidence and women's empowerment.
Heidi's journey has been a remarkable one, from battling her own demons of low self-esteem and anxiety to emerging as a beacon of positivity, helping thousands of women shed their insecurities and embrace their authentic selves. Today, we are thrilled to introduce Heidi Anderson and delve into her inspiring story through a series of thought-provoking questions.

Photo Credit: Jessy Griffiths
1. You've been incredibly open about your struggles with low self-esteem and anxiety in the past. What was the turning point that motivated you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment?
In 2016, I went live on the radio and opened up about my anxiety. That moment changed the course of my life. To our breakfast radio audience, I seemed the epitome of confidence – the girl dancing on tables with a glass of bubbles in hand, seemingly carefree and loud on the mic with my opinions. But I wasn't showing them everything. The one thing I kept hidden was how I truly felt inside. The part that really mattered. In reality, I cared too much and was terrified. Despite having a dream job on breakfast radio, I was an anxious wreck with imposter syndrome, masking the pain with hard partying.
That was my rock bottom. Then, an unforgettable day in 2016 changed everything. I made headlines by announcing my struggle with chronic anxiety live on air, a story that reached over two million people online. You can watch it here: https://www.heidileeanderson.com/new-about
Since then, I've shared my journey from self-loathing to self-love through my weekly national column, on the airwaves, and by creating a movement. This is how my business started. My listeners and social media followers have witnessed the highs, the lows, the tears, and the laughter. Most importantly, they've seen my self-esteem soar through deep inner work. I no longer rely on alcohol to project a cool-girl vibe. Now, I'm Drunk on Confidence, baby, and I've created a movement.
2. Your live empowerment stand-up shows have become a powerful platform for women to share their stories and overcome their fears. Can you share with us a particularly moving or impactful story you've witnessed during one of these events?
Absolutely! The shows are powerful and sell out every time, which makes me feel like I've truly found my calling. My soul mission on this earth is to inspire women to confront what's holding them back, shed their burdens, and become the most confident versions of themselves (without relying on alcohol), all while having a fantastic time.
I created the Shit Show series to offer others a platform to share the stage with me and become real-life motivational speakers for the night. Everyone has a powerful story, and now there's a perfect place to let it rip! Forget about being perfect – it's often our darkest or silliest moments that lead to our most profound lessons. Trust me, I know.
Each show is a unique rollercoaster ride, featuring an inspirational headline speaker and several brave women selected for the coveted open-mic spots. Your favorite party-starter (me) hosts the festivities. I've had hundreds of amazing people apply, and I've shared the stage with around 30 remarkable women who have all left a lasting impression.
They each get seven minutes to shed their burdens on stage with a powerful story, moment, or lesson. Women, non-binary, and trans folks are all welcome to apply; we value and aim to amplify diverse experiences. And no, you don't have to be funny – though it's a bonus if you are. The goal as a speaker is to make the audience feel.
One particularly moving story was shared by Mel Groenewold. She was just 17 when she lost all four limbs to a devastating disease she didn’t realize she had until it was almost too late. Decades later, a seemingly throwaway comment at the beach brought the mom-of-two to the brink of tears and pushed her to finally share her story. Her courage and resilience left the audience deeply moved and inspired.
Themselves and the voices in their head. We all have those voices in our head that tell us “we aren't enough or good enough” then we have the media, magazines, social media, and society commentating on our appearance and how we should act & be. This leads to us losing ourselves along the way trying to fit in.
The biggest issue I see with the women I work with is the fear of rejection. We all crave acceptance and dread the idea of upsetting others. This fear of what others think and the desire to fit in is something most of us grapple with. One transformative technique I use to tackle this is exposure therapy, a powerful method also used by psychologists. It has changed countless lives, including my own.
I also believe that ACTION = CONFIDENCE . AND the first step to building confidence?
ACTION: Take daily action. Think of it like this, If we wanna be strong in the gym, we take action & go to the gym to build strength in our muscles right? We do weights. In fact we do reps for a # of days per week to build that muscle. Confidence building is exactly the same. You want confidence? You gotta do the daily reps! It didn’t just happen overnight for me. I needed to take daily action to build my most confident self.
You can build confidence in any area of your life. Here’s what I’d do. Choose one area you want more confidence eg showing your face on social media without make up & talking about your biz. Then take action. If you want to show up with confidence on social media like me then you must start.
It won’t happen thinking about it. Over the next 5 days do this for that area you’ve chosen.
Day 1 take a selfie post it to socials without make up on. Write NOTHING. This will feel weird, you’ll feel uncomfortable but remember this is for you NOT anyone else.
Day 2 Become Aware - sit down & write out what came up for you. What were the mean gals or guys saying? Your inner critic - was it loud? What was she saying? Don’t judge her or you JUST see what the inner mean team have to say.
Day 3 Jump on your social media stories no make up & say hi speak to the camera. Record in 1 vid why you started your biz. Then hit post.
Day 4 do it again & share something new
Day 5 dot it again & share something new
Then do this again & again & again. Confidence comes from courage. But to build it & unlock it WE must take action. I have built confidence by taking daily action.
4. You've mentioned that your soul mission is to inspire and help thousands of women, mums, and business owners. What motivates you to continue this mission, and what impact have you seen it have on your clients' lives?
Because I am not special, I just made a choice to take action and build the person I wanted to be. I made a choice to face my fears and my shit and so I want everyone to know that it is possible for them too. And it is achievable. Just like the example I gave above. You deserve to be happy and you deserve to feel confident. And so do our future children, so it starts with you.
5. Finally, what advice would you give to a woman who is just starting her journey towards self-confidence and empowerment? What would you tell your younger self?
Be kind. Not just to others but yourself. Start with becoming aware of those voices in your head? Are they running the show. I started by naming them and I share this in my memoir “Drunk on Confidence”
People Pleasing Polly, Negative Nelly, Anxious Annie, Self loathing Sally, Comparison Cassie
Another piece of advice is my mantra I live by - the 80/20 rule. 80% of the time you don't give a f#ck & 20% of the time you do. Stop giving away your power! Stop giving a f*ck what strangers think!
It's time to start remembering, You do not need validation from strangers. their OPINION are irrelevant & once you know that your life will be bliss.
Let’s start with awareness- I want you to think about times you felt the need to be validated.
Are you checking comments & likes on socials?
Are you searching for reassurance from a stranger online?
Are you constantly worried about what you look like in public?